What Class is Right for Me?


That all depends! Some days you may feel energetic and want to take a Core Flow or Yoga for Balance & Strength class to build resilience. Other days, you may feel like slowing down in a Yin Yoga or Gentle Yoga class.

If you’re new to yoga, consider starting with Yoga FUNdamentals, Gentle Yoga or Hatha Yoga. All of our teachers are friendly and approachable, so don’t hesitate to introduce yourself and let them know it’s your first (or second, or third…) time! They’ll offer guidance and variations to ensure you have a safe and pleasant practice.

Whatever you feel, there is a class on the schedule to suit your needs.

What to Bring

Wear comfortable clothing such as exercise pants or leggings, and a top that doesn’t ride up (for those head-down poses). Bring your own mat and a water bottle. Feel free to bring your own props and a light blanket to cover up during savasana.


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gentle yoga

This class combines seated, standing and reclined postures, with slow and mindful movements that focus on alignment and mobility. Ample instruction will allow you to move safely into each pose, with sufficient time to adapt the postures to honour your body and range of motion. Props such as blocks, bolsters, straps and Yoga Tune Up balls are often used to support this practice. When used, Yoga Tune Up balls are provided. Other props are available in studio, though you are always welcome to bring your own!



This class is for anyone new(er) to yoga or looking for more in-depth review and practice of yoga postures. Every class will begin with arrival and grounding, then focus on 4-6 postures, or asanas, and occasionally, breath work or very short meditations. You will have lots of opportunity to set up, use props and have fun trying variations. You’ll also learn about the nature and anatomical focus of each posture. This class is all about feedback between the brain and body, yogi and teacher, and between yogis. We will practice a short sequence to integrate what we’ve reviewed. And as with all other classes, we will end in the best posture of all: savasana!

hatha yoga

This class offers a variety of asanas, or postures, to explore range of motion, balance, strength, flexibility, mindful breathing, occasional short meditations and relaxation. This practice cultivates body-mind connection and a focus on presence in the moment. Postures are usually held a bit longer than more dynamic flow classes, allowing time to settle in to your body and breath. Each class will be different and offer a variety of options so that this practice is truly your own. Yoga blocks and a yoga strap (or tie or scarf) can be great tools to make the practice more accessible. Some props available in studio, but feel free to bring your own.



This practice will awaken your core through a series of creative and flowing sequences intended to strengthen abdominal, back and gluteal muscles. Some yoga experience is helpful, though not strictly necessary as you can adapt or take breaks when desired.


A Yoga Kāla flow class connects movement with breath to help you get out of your head and into your body. Some days the flow may feature vinyasas to connect postures or sequences, while at other times the practice may focus on linking postures in a more straightforward way. One thing is certain though, you will leave class feeling more in tune with your body and breath! Adaptations and short breaks will be offered. This class will be practiced at a slightly higher room temperature (between 26 - 27 degrees). It is NOT a hot yoga class.


Yin Yoga

Yin postures are primarily about release. They are passive in nature and held anywhere from one to five minutes to target the body’s connective tissues. This practice focuses on stilling the body for a gentle, sustained sensation rather than a deep stretch. This stillness, combined with gentle breathwork, calms the mind and settles the nervous system. Have the following props on hand: yoga bolster (or cushions/pillows/rolled up blanket); 1-2 blankets; 2 yoga blocks (or sturdy books); and a yoga strap (or tie or scarf). This class is good if you could use some stillness in your life.



This is a relaxing candle-lit practice. Slow down with gentle, mindful yoga designed to help your mind and body unwind. You'll enjoy mostly seated and reclined postures, and a sprinkle of standing shapes. Techniques for nervous system downregulation will be shared before savasana. Props can be helpful for this practice. You are welcome to bring blankets or pillows and props. There are bolsters, straps and blocks at the studio. The practice can also be done without props.



This class taps into the strength you already have. We will use creative sequences, core work and focused movement to cultivate resilience, mobility and functional strength. Options will be offered to ensure a practice that is challenging for your own energy level. Yoga blocks (or sturdy books) and a yoga strap (or tie or scarf) are often helpful. This practice is good for anyone wanting to explore and strengthen their resilience in a mindful way.



This class is all about strengthening community!
The pandemic posed a challenge for many newly certified teachers who could not easily gain studio teaching experience. Yoga Kala is pleased to support the development of newer teachers by offering a paid opportunity for one guest teacher per month to lead an all-levels practice in this donation-based class. Ellen will provide mentoring and feedback to these teachers.
Proceeds from this class will be given to an Ottawa-based community organization or charity of the teacher’s choosing.


In Sanskrit, "Kāla" means "time" and this class is all about making time for calm -- calm body, calm breath, calm mind. We will use a variety of techniques such as gentle movement, breath work, simple meditations, and guided relaxation or yoga nidra (yogic sleep). Every class will be a bit different and focus on a theme to guide our intentions. Absolutely no yoga experience required. We may occasionally do a few, gentle standing movements. Bring a blanket and anything else you'd like for warmth and comfort (e.g. towel to cover the eyes; eye pillow; cushion or bolster to support the knees). Bolsters, blocks and backjacks are available at the studio.