Delve Deeper Into Your Practice

Workshops allow you to expand your practice with longer and more in-depth exploration of different yoga styles and experiences. Little or no yoga experience is required for most of these workshops.


saturday, november 30, 2024

1:30 - 4:00 pm at mountain goat yoga (barrhaven)

breathe into balance

with Ellen Bertrand

Join Ellen for a practical workshop designed to guide you into the profound power of your breath. Open to all levels of yoga practitioners and non-practitioners alike, this workshop will teach you how yogic breathing techniques can be used both on and off the mat to navigate stress, enhance focus, improve sleep and calm the nervous system.

During the workshop, we will:

  • review breath physiology and anatomy in an easy-to-understand approach

  • learn about various yogic breathing techniques (pranayama) and  how conscious breath can impact your body, mind, and spirit

  • practice and discuss breathing techniques with the help of a personalized worksheet

  • incorporate short gentle yoga sequences.

Whether you are a seasoned yogi or new to breathwork, you’ll leave with practical techniques that can be used anytime, anywhere, to bring balance and inner calm to even the most challenging of days.

Wear comfortable clothing and bring your mat, a bottle of water and a pen.

Cost: $55 + tax. You must register directly at